Willow Basketry & Sculptures

76 products
Stanley Dog Basket

STANLEY Dog Basket

Dog Basket with green and red willows


Kindergaten sleep nest

Large KindyNest

Sleep nest for 3-5 year olds


Baby bassinet

Newborn Baby Sleep Basket

beautuful bassinet for your bsby.


Willow baby pod

Newborn baby bassinet

Baby bassinet for your newborn.


Clothes basket

"REGALIA" clothes basket

Stout basket for dirty clothes


Red dog basket

"TRUDIE'S red basket

Dog basket with a difference.


Harvest basket


A harvest basket just right for collecting fruit and veg, or carrying on the crook of your elbow.


Dog basket

"LUCY's" dog basket

Have bed...will travel!


Cat basket

TRIXIE's cat basket

Basket for highly allergic cat


Dog basket

SAM the pug's basket

Low basket for a dog with little legs.


Produce  basket


Useful basket


Big dog basket

EMPEROR Dog Basket

Big basket for a big dog!


Dog Basket

Heaphy Dog Basket

Beautiful dog basket.


Washing basket

BILLOW Laundry Basket

Easy to carry Laundry Basket


Cat pod

"MYSTERY's" cat pod

Cosy cat bed, with handle for easy transportation.




Large basket with dramatic driftwood handle


Cat basket

HOBBES Cat Basket

Cat basket


Dog Basket

FOSS dog basket

Comfy Dog basket


Dog Basket

HUGO Dog Basket

Luxurious dog basket



Kindergarten sleep nest for toddlers


Willow baby bassinet

Baby Bassinet

Natural willow baby bassinet.


Dog basket

'Frodo' Dog basket

Cosy dog basket for a gorgeous dog


Majestic log basket

MAJESTY Log Basket

MAJESTY log basket


Big dog bed

HARVEY dog bed

HARVEY dog bed


Cosy dog bed

SNUGGLE dog bed

"Snuggle" Cosy dog bed.


Log basket with ply base

FLAIR Oval log basket

"Flair" Very spacious log basket with a flared top.


Cat pod


Cat bed transforms to a cat carrier


Bike Basket in situ.

"Nook" The Bike Basket

Bike basket for the urbam shopper


Tote-all Tray

Gorgeous tray, just right to carry anything from kitchen to deck!


"SAM" dog basket

Special dog basket. Round, with a step in.


Dog basket

"SCOUT" dog basket

Big dog basket, for dogs that like to stretch out


Log basket

"BOLE" log basket

Log basket with flared sides


Claret log basket

CLARET log basket

Handy log basket with handles


Bread proving baskets

Proving baskets

Bread proving baskets


Dog Basket

LOTTI Dog Basket

LOTTI Dog Basket


Handbag "Plunge"

Handbag "Plunge"

Handbag "Plunge"


Willow handbag "Sleek"

Handbag "Sleek"

Handbag "Sleek"



Handbag "Twirl"

Multi fibre Handbag with Driftwood Handle


Banquet Tray

"Banquet" BIG Tray

Big Tray


"Ripple" Sculpture

NFS, commissions welcome.

Cane and Driftwood Basket

"Bustle" Cane Basket

NFS, commissions welcome


Hunter:Gatherer Basket

Commissions welcome.


"Swell" Sculpture

NFS, commissions welcome.

"WHole" Sculpture

NFS, commissions welcome.

"Bodice" Sculpture

NFS, commissions welcome.

"Oyster" Sculpture

NFS, commissions welcome.

"Flow" Sculpture

NFS, commissions welcome.

"Flare" Sculpture

NFS, commissions welcome.

"Balance" Sculpture

NFS, commissions welcome

Tea Tray
